Sunday, January 27, 2008


Back from the holidaze! Obviously, I guess. It's almost Feburary now! Okay, where to begin? Best new story in my arsenal? My LA dermatologist. If I ever doubted the reality of an image-obsessed Hollywood, well then doubt no more. So I go the the dermatologist expecting what I remember from other dermatologists I've visited. Lotions, a warning to use sensitive skin products, and maybe a critique of the skin products I use. Instead, I got a once over, a question of my age, (25), and then comes the blow. While I'm a spring chicken, my forehead has sprinted ahead and ages around 35 according to my derm. (I joked earlier that my forehead was inching towards a mid-life crisis and was going to be trying to buy a sports car soon.) Instead of speaking carefully and akowledging the insult, he spoke frankly and as if I shouldn't be surprised to hear this. It's the "lingo". Then, he told me he could fix it right up with botox. Yeah, no kidding. When I expressed my discontent with that suggestion, he said he could "paralyze my forehead so I wouldn't be able to scrunch it and could train myself to keep it flat".

Okay, so I had officially landed in Hollywood apparently. This makes me convinced more than ever that celebrities botox it right up. It was such a business as usual question. "So we could give you some botox and...". Anyway, I hope someone else gave him his Merecedes payment. Well nice to know I'm aging quite nicely. (I can't deny since that visit I've been lathering on the anti-wrinkle cream twice a day.)

I had a party last night and am putting off cleaning up. Sad that blog writing has become my most reliable procrastination device. What's up with all the rain SoCal??? I am done with it here. I've been spoiled! Bring back the weatherless, weather pronto!

The valet man at my work is teaching me Spanish, phrase at a time. He was very impressed I already knew "trabajo". He tried to teach me mi amore and then he winked. Starting to doubt his good intentions----

Oh! Have to post my favorite Hopper picture ever! This is her galavanting in Malibu on New Year's Day.

Well, that's it for now! Just work, work, cough, work. That's been my life lately. I got an air date for my episode I'm editing and when it gets closer, I'll share! Woo!