No, I wasn't hurt! I was faking! It was after work on Tuesday and I had pulled into my driveway around 7:30. It was a rather non-productive afternoon at work and I was feeling exceptionally lazy. I park in the basement of my building, and with two rather small stairways to go to my apt on the second floor, I opted for the elevator. I always hope it doesn't stop on the first floor, so my laziness isn't revealed, but on this day, no such luck. Someone stepped on, I asked what floor, and he said 4. Four is a far more reasonable reason to take the elevator, so feeling a bit silly for my 2 flight rise, when the doors opened on 2, I limped out. My concern for what my neighbor thought of me made me laugh.
Work is going pretty good. I feel like I'm doing a better job than anyone expected, already ahead of schedule enough that they put me on someone else's project for a day to help them catch up. I got the owners of the company presents for Christmas. CDs of the Stars, my favorite band. Now I just feel weird about it. It's not like I talk to these people a lot or anything, I just wanted to show them some appreciation for everything that they do. I think I was the only editor to get them something. I blame my Southern roots. And I feel a teensy bit awkward now. Especially since one of them barely said hi to me in the hall post-gift. I had left them on their desks before Christmas, and surely he had received it by then. Was he feeling awkward too? It kinda seemed like it, and that's not what I had planned at all.
Anyway, today is New Year's Day, 09! I'm sick. In fact, I was so sick last night I fell asleep at 10pm and woke up at 3am, thus missing the ringing in of the new year. Tonight I'm having a murder mystery dinner party at my apartment, which means I need to push through whatever it is I have by tonight. Lots of vitamin C, Zinc, Green Tea, cold medicine. It also means I need to clean my apartment, and finally finish unpacking. I know, it's been 2 months! My bedroom isn't quite finished because I was waiting for my friend to finish the whale on my wall. Yes, you read that correctly.
Anyway, I should get to cleaning and germ fighting. Happy New Year and here's to not caring who knows you are lazy!