Tuesday, June 05, 2007

At Least I'm Honest

"Hey, if you're still unemployed today, Tuesday the 5th of the month of June, me and my pup are thinking about going hiking today around noonish. (I'm all about it, she's still deciding.)

Okay, so hiking is maybe an overstatement. There's definitely mountains and a dirt path, but I will embarrassingly be out of breath in like one incline, and you will have to carry on the conversation by yourself until we start going back down and my breath returns. Your presence, however, may protect me from perhaps my greatest fear, mountain lions. I will also be a joy to chat with once the inclines are over, (I'm awesome on the decline).

This is all assuming I make it out of bed tomorrow morning and can actually walk from my hike today. So far I'm not sore, but we'll see. Anyway, thought I'd see if you were interested. I know how fun distractions are during the job search process.

-Ms BCT"

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