Monday, July 10, 2006

Did I Say That?

I can't believe I actually just muttered the phrase, "I love Mondays". I'm pretty sure that in some circles I could be crucified for that. This includes disappointing my childhood idols: The Bangles. Why would that phrase ever be muttered from anyone's mouth? Well, I'm not sure, but my reasoning went something like this: Monday's at work there is nothing to do on the show, the work week officially starts on Tuesday, (billing wise), but I have to be here, to well, suck up oxygen I guess. (Or run errands if needed?) To make matters better, my boss is out of town allowing me to lay (very unlady-like) on all the client couches I want, watch tv too loudly, and spend hours and hours on the internet. Ah yes, fun indeed. Also, on Monday's there are a lot of new internet stories that are published, I'm assuming fruits of labor from the weekend. Hence, this Monday, I have spent my hours and hours on the internet reading said stories and constantly being laughed at for my unmoving, yet unbeatable, cozy spot on the couch. (And a random note: can I just say one of the editors here loves to walk around with a golf club, as he is doing right now, and I think it is hilarious. I don't know why, but he always does it, not swinging it or anything, just using it to punctuate sentences and stuff.) One last note about Mondays, you can really get away with doing almost anything on a Monday. You do something less than intelligent, or you make a mistake, you can blame it on 'Monday'. Four out of five times, you'll get an understanding head nod. Ahh, yes. Been there before.

Yeah, and then I figured that if I did have any interested readers, (well other than you Christie), I really left them in suspense with that last post. So you wanna know what happened with my moving day? Yep, it was a disaster. I 'Babe Ruthed' that one. There was lots of crying and meltdowns from nearly every party involved. At one point I even thought the movers were going to cry when they left their spare tire behind to fit more of my belongings in their van, and someone stole it. It was an eventful day at best. Worst. Moving. Day. Ever. But now it's like a week later and everything is a lot better, and I have my heath, (well sort of I think), but I'm definitly still alive, which is more than some Enron guy can say. Ouch.

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