Saturday, July 22, 2006

Some Thompson's Suck!

While most of the Thompson's I know are quite amazing, beautiful, intelligent, extraordinary, etc, etc, :) , some, apparently aren't so great. I mean, I should have gotten this watching Kenan and Kel when I was younger. Huh, you'd think! My intention of this post was not to rant about how much I dislike Kenan Thompson, or his comedic style I should say. (Maybe he's a nice person with no taste, judgement, or self-awareness?) No. I'd rather turn my attention to another 'Thompson' that seems to be wreaking havoc in the world. Ahh, yes. This Thompson doesn't know the great responsibility of the Thompson name. People like Emma Thompson, oh yes, they get it.

So a friend of mine, Sally*, has recently been put into a situation where she is working very closely to said traitor of The Thompson name. Let me give you a play by play of conversation as it was related to me:

"Hi Sally, thanks for coming."

"No problem. It's a great party."

"Thanks." A fake laugh and a disapproving, (disgusted?) glance towards Sally's hair, "Wow, your hair is like tons of different colors."

Sally self-consciously puts hand to hair trying to remember if she had any buckets of paint dropped on her in the last few minutes. Nope. All clear, just her usual brown hair. Sally tries to make a joke, "What is it like green and purple?"

A snort, and a snobby remark is her reply, "What did you run out of money when you were getting your hair dyed?"

Excuse me! Sally's hair is brown/almost a dirty blond, but by no means does she have anything extraordianary like dark roots or blond tips. Not even to mention that Sally is the nicest person ever. She's one of those people who just radiate happiness!

This Thompson is going on my LIST. Right there with Brandon Davis. And I could care less about the whole Lindsey Lohan debacle. Just some people rub me the wrong way. I have some serious issues with people who think because they have the fortune of being overpaid and overadored, that they have the right to belittle others whose income doesn't rival a small countries budget. Celebritiy kills me. Especially when it's those 'famous' people who don't really do anything, or they do but are awful at it. Those that are famous for their pretty face or how much money they inherited. I don't mean to sound holier-than-thou here. I understand the whole concept, I myself have totally fallen victim to idolizing famous people. And you know, it's always bothered me a little. Even when I was writing to the Jonathan Taylor Thomas fan club and waiting by the mailbox for my autographed photo to come. And even now, I'm pretty sure if I saw some of my favorites I would lose the ability to speak and to do that whole 'standing' thing. I do it too. All the time. But my deal-breaker is when the celeb takes that adornment and starts confusing their high status as the norm. Just because you're up in a tree doesn't mean we get to call that the ground now. I equally love you and hate you, celebrity. We can get married, but we probably shouldn't have any kids.

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