Saturday, July 01, 2006


Let's hope today's not a disaster. It's moving day and I'm sitting on the porch for what could be the last time as a resident here. Movers are coming in 50 minutes and I feel that right now, it's the calm before the storm. First I'm worried that the movers are going to look at all my stuff and be like, "Whoa! That's more than we thought!" I have to keep reminding myself that I am paying them and that no matter what, they have to move me. I think. Then I'm worried that the girls haven't completely cleaned out their apartment. And that when I start to move my stuff in, I will be moving around their's. I'm also worried about what to do with my doggy while the cleaning lady is there and I'm gone. I don't want them to terrorize each other. Whew, it's 40 minutes now and I'm nervous. Here's to hoping it all goes okay.

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