Monday, October 13, 2008

A Day In the Life

friend: sometimes I Like to edit with my shoes off

me: word

me: so my online editor was talking all online to me today
im like can we talk in offline terms please
and he's like, uhhh
he was trying to confuse me
im like, tell me what you want
and hes all like well this is this and this so if you are delivering like this
and im like for the thousanth time, we aren't delivering like that!
and then i threw his keyboard on the floor and stomped on his mouse hand

friend: really?
sounds a little over the top

me: it was a scene
unscripted scene that is
he asked for it
i hate when people can't answer questions directly
im like why are you still talking, that was a yes or no question!


me: i want that right now

friend:me too
im hungry1
so hungry i cant type

me: haha

me: (not haha like haha you're hungry, but haha to you cant type bc youre hungry)


friend: ok so im getting my haircut tomorrow and its out of some woman's house. do i still need to tip her?

me: yeah im pretty sure
unless she says otherwise

friend: oh thats stupid
that just does not seem fair

me: yeah i dont know for sure though!

friend: well you are the 3rd person to say i have to
so im sure im going to be stuck with it

me: maybe it will be cheaper though

friend: ehh i thought so
she said depends on what i do but 80-100

me: ugh

friend: im sure bc i have thick hair she'll up it

me: thats pretty expensive!
she better weave in some gold

friend: i know!!!

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