Thursday, August 30, 2007

If You Honk One More Time......!

Two mornings in a row my peaceful reverie of dreams and fairydust has been rudely interrupted at 8:30 in the morning by a car horn that knows no limits. It's not one or two honks, or even an alarm of some sort. It is the unrhythmatic NOISE, constant honks, one after another for a period of up to six or seven minutes. I lay there for a few minutes, hoping the person will come to their senses and stop the madness. This morning, I clumsily jumped out of bed after five minutes of the disruption; my aim? Nothing short of throwing a chair off of my balcony or a verbal lashing not suitable for my babybook. The second, and I mean second, I stepped onto my front porch it stopped, and no cars with annoyed drivers in sight. I check all the driveways, parked cars, even garages in my line of vision, and nothing. Not even an echo that could direct me in the general vicinity. Across the street, my neighbor also had enough, and was storming to the street at the same moment I stepped out. We both scoured the streets, both coming up empty handed.

The honking bandit had made a clean escape. But tomorrow I will be ready. I will sleep in full garb as to not waste time when I wake up and storm to the street. At the first honk, my feet will hit the floor. I have an anger inside of me that needs to be let out, and thus far, I've been successful at not misdirecting it towards an innocent bystander. Tomorrow, my fury knows no bounds and the honking bandit will be sorry.

The paranoid side of me wonders who I pissed off enough to do such a meanspirited thing. Well maybe I'll have answers for you tomorrow.

I'm back in LA with my brother and so far it's been nice. It's been fun hanging out with him and we've been having a good time relaxing and pretending like we are on summer break. Because I'm currently without job, long story, but I know in a week and a half, I'll be back to the grind of 6 to 3. Pm to am.

In other news, a friend of mine wrote a blog entry about the earthquake I wrote about a couple of weeks ago. I thought I'd link it here cause as always, his way with words astounds me.


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