Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Night Before, (And Other Random Thoughts)

It's officially the night before one of my best friends' wedding. I just got home from all the rehearsal hoopla, and I'm nervous! I'm in the wedding party, which means I have to walk down the aisle, which means all eyes will be on me and I won't be able to tell a joke, which means I'll be nervous with none of my usual defense mechanisms at my disposal. I'll also have to stand still for a semi-long period of time, which makes me nervous because in such situations I have been known to lose my equilibrium. Besides all that stuff, SHE's getting MARRIED. This girl in which I grew up with, and from my middle school circle of friends, was certainly NOT the one we thought would get married first. It's all just unbelievable in that way that's hard to describe, (and I only realized it was hard once I started trying to explain it).

The night was interesting, to say the least. There are four of us that ran in the same circle for years and years. We hardly ever get together, all being in different places, metaphorically and physically. It's me, the bride-to-be, and friend A and friend B. Well tonight, friend A and B decided they hated each other after an incident. Me, always forced to play peacemaker/babysitter/go-between/middleman/what have you, had to try and explain to riled up friend A, (who no joke was ready to fight, FIGHT, in the middle of the parking lot of the rehearsal dinner-now that's classy-[ahh, I love coming home]), that by fighting friend B, bride-to-be would certainly have a memorable night, and not in the good way. So, there was that. I think the situation was diffused and hopefully things will work out tomorrow. (Although, I have a feeling my peacemaking job is not done.)

Another interesting thing is that when I come back here, I feel like a superstar. Now, I know, my job is pretty modest. I'm an assistant editor for a little tiny reality show and when I'm in LA, I'm major small fish in major big pond. But when I'm here, it's like a new ball game. Someone introduced me to the groom's mother as, "This is Betsy. She's works in television in LA." After humbly revealing the teeny-tiny little show I am merely an assistant editor on, I was surrounded by people. It was a little crazy actually. And I assure you this is not a huge show. The only reason I'm not saying the show name is for my own privacy purposes, but it's not that cool. When and if people have heard of it, I usually get a nod, and sometimes a, "Oh interesting." Well apparently I found this show's audience. Embarrased and shy, one of the relatives approached me during the evening and just wanted to talk to me about the show. It was pretty crazy. I had to tell the grandfather a couple of times that no, I've never been on the show, but he was convinced he had seen me on it. That's one amazing thing about working in television: it's just a job, but the fact that so many people can tangibly see your work on such a large scale, it makes it impressive. Such a small scale, but I can only imagine how actors and actresses must feel. It must be like that all the time for them. Just blows my mind!

I saw "Superbad" last night, and wow, it's amazing. I would say not to watch with anyone who you would potentially be embarrased around with any sort of mention of sex, because the entire movie would be squirm-worthy. I have pity on those who thought it was a good idea to take their mom with them. Squick! But wow-fantastic comedy. Best comedy, short of Wet, Hot, American Summer, I've ever seen.

Well I need to get some sleep so I'll catch you guys up more later. Goodnight!

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