Thursday, August 09, 2007

My First Earthquake!

I have waited anxiously for this day. (And not in the good way.)

Tonight, as I leaned against the wall casually, laughing at something my co-worker had said, I felt it. It was louder than I thought it would be and it was one of the most unsettling things I've ever experienced. We shook for a second, and the building seemed to sway a bit, and then there was quiet.

I was waiting the next big shake, as I stood looking wide-eyed to my co-worker who seemed to find a little bit of amusement in my expression. I asked if it was over, and he said yes, but I couldn't get my land legs back. I felt like I had been at sea for a while, and my entire body kept trying to catch up.

It was strange, and a little scary. And it was a relatively small one, as we surely just got the edge of the quake in the article below. But it was enough to convince me: I hate earthquakes. They are as unpredictable as tornados, and I hate the unpredicable.

But there we go. I finally experienced an earthquake. Whew.

Earthquake Article

1 comment:

Christie said...

Um. Now I'm scared...that earth needs to remain still from now on...yikes.