That's depressing. I kinda went on a spending spree this weekend. Eck. After successfully finishing me two-job work week, I got two paychecks. So I decided I should get new stuff for my apartment. (And YET ANOTHER bridesmaids dress.)
And then I came home and checked the damage, and woo-wee, I can swipe a card to death. While I want to buy the two Mary Roach books I don't have,
Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex and
Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife, AND the Chelsea Handler book,
Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea, I think my card, (and account), could use a break.
My damage went towards:
A side table for my couch,
a lamp to go atop,
wine glasses,
(non-related!) candles,
a couple of new coffee cups,
dog toys and doggy blanket,
a car wash,
a tank of gas (GUH),
bought dinner for a friend,
the aforementioned Bridesmaids Dress,
and a wooden figurine guy in which I can paint and decorate to my hearts desire, and was only 5 bucks but thought it was one of the cooler things I purchased.
I rationalize by believing I helped the economy a little this weekend.
But yay! Lamp light! No more overhead! How exciting. In hindsight, the lamp, table, and dress were the three objectives for the weekend. And now I sit with all these new dishes and stuff, and a hole in my pocket where money once was.
New job is good. It's good work-wise, friend-wise I feel like a total loser, not seeming to really click with anyone. And I think my boss hates me. And the guy who sits in the cubicle, (that's right, I'm editing in a cubicle), next to me, freely interchanges "bro" for "bra" and I think I may go deaf from turning my volume up so loud to try and drown the sac-relig out. "Bra, you got to check this out. Bra, Bra, Braaaa." Vom.
But lots of work, a little play, and lots of stress-relieving shopping going on. (Isn't it ironic that I shop to relieve stress, but after checking my account, the stress comes back full force?)
Oh and then there's this fun, but oh so speculative and probably just me projecting, (it needs to be taken with less than a grain of salt), thing, in which I went to the beach on Sunday morning and got quite a surprise. I was driving down Sunset to pick up my brother, (or "bra"), and I saw a black Range Rover with a brunette in a yellow hat leaving the street in which my fav Matt in the world lives, and it was definitely a drive of shame hour. Okay so if you know how many black Range Rovers there are in LA, (I counted fourty in thirty minutes once), you will know that the probability at what I am suggesting, without actually suggesting, mind you, was probably me wanting to see that. If that made any sense to you, your name is probably Christie, or you are as insane as I.
I love wine. I love decorating my apartment. I love visitors. I love a clean apartment, that oh-so rarely happens. I love my new wine glasses! I started the "I loves" for a reason and now it has escaped me.
Another random thought: whatever happened to the Charlotte Hornets? I told you it was random.
Memorial Day weekend is on the horizon!!!! Wooooo-to the-Hooo!