Thursday, May 22, 2008

It's A Creepy Night Out

There's this wind blowing that if I were in NC I would recoginize as the wind before a bad thunderstorm. I think I've written about them before, but LA has these things called Santa Ana winds that creep me out. For the reason stated above - but the rain never comes. Tonight, in addition to the wild winds, the sky is a terrible shade of smog. An orange, almost pink color covering everything and furthering the illusion of forthcoming rain.

I'll snuggle on my couch, in my living room lit by my new lamp and watch Law and Order while the open windows allow some of the wayward wind in. Sounds like a good plan.

1 comment:

Sybil said...

Here's a fine idea - since you're snuggling down on the couch, how about finishing "Spark" instead of watching Law & Order? Yeah, I'm a day late, but it's a crappy weekend in SoCal anyway, so it sounds like a plan to me! :)