Friday, May 11, 2007

A Great Big Fire

So what do we have here? I happened to be working a hop, skip, and a jump away from the latest LA fire that devoured Griffith Park and preempted Gilmore girls. We literally were across the freeway from these hills; getting coated with ashes and we all reeked of smoke. We watched as the flames climbed down the hill and slowly took over the entire side that faced us. Unfortunately, we didn't shoot any pictures of the small fire at the top that grew into, well, this.

If there's one thing you can find on set in a time like this, it's a still photographer. And this one happened to be the person in which I share my office with! Hence, all the beautiful photos below. Insanity. Being from the east coast, seeing this with my own eyes was, well, humbling. How quick mother nature can take away things that we take for granted. A natural process, so I'm told. And why do people choose to live in these hills again?

As the smoke moved over the sun, everything around us turned what I could only describe as an Armageddon-orange. Quick! Someone call Crayola!

The fire almost looks like lava here. This got me thinking, what if one day, one of these dormant volcanos that LA surely must have, seeing as it's not too far from the San Andreas fault line, erupts and everyone mistakes it for a wildfire. Yikes!

Okay, nevermind about the volcano thing.

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