Saturday, March 15, 2008

Expletive, Expletive, etc

How quick you can go from on top to run under a bus.

There's just no good news or bright side right now. I'm unemployed. Uh, the life of a freelancer is glamorous. No notice, no nothing. Double negative, expletive, etc. Seems the next episode I was going to work on got cancelled. Which leaves a gaping four week hole before my next job. And! That next job is a huge downwards step because, "There were too many people in line before you". That's not what I was told when I signed on for a lower rate last year. I was told I would have a spot on the next show. "You do" they argued. As a night assistant. "It's not you..." they said, and I felt like I was in the midst of a terrible breakup.

And now, while I felt so smart attempting to pay off some credit cards, I'm finding myself with little to no savings. Poor planning all around. Definitley been an explicit 24 hours.

Thus, the new search begins. When can I stop starting from square 1?



JoyceG said...

Sorry to hear about your bad day. Looking for the silver lining though, does this mean you'll have time to work on updating "Spark"? :)

ms bct said...

Ha! Yes it does actually! That is a silver lining! :) Hopefully I'll have it up by the weekend, but you never can tell with these things.

Thanks for finding me!