Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Dog Fight

If you can't tell I'm a blonde by my rapidly growing roots, going inside of my head would certainly do the trick. (Yes, a period. I'm copying and pasting, which I'm getting pretty good at.)

I just saw that I had 52 posts, and in my head I was like: "That's one for each day of the year!"

Yeah...maybe I shouldn't say those things outloud.

So I just got in from my morning walk with my pup, in which at one point I was forced to football tackle her in someone's front yard. Yes, football tackle. I was lying on the ground, (in who knows what). What happened was we walked by this car with a dog inside who started ferociously barking at me and my roommates' ('s?) dogs. The man inside the car, grabbed his pup and and pulled him down, and the barking ceased. We went on about our way, and the dogs stopped to sniff the ground. We started walking again when we heard, "Oh shit!". The guy was out of his car, and before I knew it, the mad dog from the car was unleashed and picking a fight with Hopper, who wasn't having it. I don't know exactly how, but at some point I ended up on top of my pup, in a move in which instincts just took over. As I looked over, shocked that I had thrown myself to the ground, I saw that the man had done the same, perhaps taking my lead? The dog was still a barking mess, and somehow we just walked away without me giving the guy a stern talking to about leashing his dog, because all dog owners know, that sometimes, it just happens.

In fairness, I saw a leash lying on the ground so knew that he has at least attempted to leash his dog, but obviously, that didn't so much work. Well, now I have grass stains on my jeans and am mentally gearing up for a tough day of work, by far the toughest I will see in the run of this show. So I must go and meditate with my coffee a little longer.

In a side note, I realized that I missed ellipsis' more than the periods themselves. Copying and pasting will have to do.

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