Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Think Before You Speak

Okay, as I was saying in an earlier post, I really like Mike Birbiglia. He has this one thing where he talks about not having a batter's circle for your brain, and where there is no filter between, (Lightbulb) and Batter up!

I'm still tired and having much difficulty formulating sentences.

Okay, well the other day, I was thinking back to a conversation I had with my boss. It was one of those times where you think back on something and it's like, 'Ohhhh, that probably didn't sound great.' The conversation went something like this:

Boss to me: I smoked for ten years and just recently quit.

Me: It's hard.

Boss: Very. Do you drink?

Me: I do, but I don't have a problem.

What?!?! "I do, but I don't have a problem"?!?! Who says that other than people with a problem!!!!

I can never be late to work ever again.

I really don't have a problem. Really. (Yeah. Trying to explain only makes it worse.)

Going to sleep for real now. I wrote my tired blog entry and then got dragged to a Guitar Hero tournament in which, because I was friends with the people who organize and host it, free food and drink! Very nice. It was great to go up to the bar to pay and being told, "Your tab is taken care of." But as fun as that was, it got in the way of my eyes closed time. Resume.

End scene.




Grain of seed.





Aw, Lemon.

That was a stream of consciousness. Now I'm going to go for the stream of unconsciousness.


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