Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I'm tired! That's all. I'm tired. In addition to working all weekend, I worked 9:30am (okay more like 10) to 2 am yesterday. Why is the TV industry filled with so much stress? It's like the end of the world if a deadline isn't made. Seriously. From lunch yesterday to about thirty minutes ago, I had been surviving on Protein bars and coffee. Seriously, all for the sake of one little air date!

Buttttttt, the result of all this is I sent my very first cut to a Network for the very first time. Wooo. It's scary, I'm not going to lie. I'm thirty percent scared, thirty percent relieved, and forty percent tired. Does that add up to a hundred? I hope so. If not, I blame the tiredness. So blood and tears shed for this thing, (and tons of "f" bombs), so now, when and if it does air, it will stay on my DVR forever. And you will be expected to watch.

Also, I've been keeping a log of all my google searches. I will reveal the top ten on my two year, yes two year!, anniversary!

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