Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What I Would Like To See

With election day looming, I thought it would be interesting to make a list of, (buzz word ahead), changes I'd like to see in this country:

STOP the tolerance of intolerance.

I'd like to see America once again adored by other countries and for me not be ashamed to say I'm an American.

I'd like to see America as an economic icon once again, and not just a cultural one, by bringing back the middle class.

I'd like my kids to grow up in a world that is greener and more focused on the environment so that their kids and their kids and their kids can enjoy the same world we enjoy every day.

I'd like to see equal rights for all Americans, from women making the same amount as men to gay couples being able to enjoy the same rights as straight ones.

I'd like to see an education system that encourages kids to stay in school.

I'd like to see less focus on the "war on drugs" and more focus on drug programs and after school care for children whose parents work.

I'd like to see less crowded prisons and more work camps for inmates to be better prepared to enter back into society.

I'd like to feel safe with a military at home, prepared to defend me and those around me.

I'd like this country's leaders to take a good long look at the Fall of Rome and take notes.

I'd like to see the national debt start declining, at the very least.

I'd like to see the end of tax breaks for jobs shipped overseas, and stop reading quotes like this in my paper:
“You can outsource a lot of activities and get them done just as well at a lower cost,” -Treasury Secretary John Snow

And lastly, and maybe most importantly, I'd like to see the end of the seperation of classes where the rich continue to get richer and the poorer continue to get poorer.


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